The Necessary: "About Me" Post
Scratch that, this is a blog so I guess every post will be more or less "about me". Anyway, this is the obligatory post that has to fill up the "about me" page. I guess so people know what they are getting into by deciding to read my blog.
This is me:
How about this picture? I work in Real Estate and this is my professional photo. That is all you need to hear to know I look nothing like this. Have you ever met a Real Estate agent that looked like their photo?
I always find "about me" posts kind of weird and awkward. I am uncomfortable talking about myself or being in photos. Kind of weird for someone with a blog, right? I'm in my 30's, and do that whole work-family-home-husband-school juggling act that pretty much everyone does. My passions are running, roller skating, art, books and beer. I've matured a lot in recent years but still don't feel close to the 34 years I am as I type this. I'm probably just in denial, I mean don't most people say this crap?
Oh, and I like cats.
Sylvia, my first born. I got her in 2000 when she was a year old. (Photo Credit:
Simon and Reena my Siamese babies. They are from a rescue and came to live with us in 2009.
Even though I am married I can still be a crazy cat lady, OK. I have no kids, remember?
Cats aside, most of what I write about here has to do with running. Keeps me accountable and so forth you know? That and no one gives a shit about roller skating anymore except me and like five other people, including OJ Simpson, evidently:
Anyway, it might be mostly running talk here but I cover just about everything at Twitter, and have a lifestyle/diary blog at Livejournal.
Or as always, you can email me!